lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

The Chairlady

The first president of the recently created ASOCIACÍON SOMALÍ EN ESPAÑA – SOMALI ASSOCIATION IN SPAIN. ASE
Ashia Ismail Hussein is a mother a of three and working as a secretary with one of the most important companies in Madrid. she has also been collaborating  with the Asylum office and other NGOS like CEAR, ACCEM UNHCR AND COMRADE as a translator. She is also the chair-lady of SAVE A GIRL SAVE A GENERATION and has been fighting for the women rights and against circumcisions,  for the last 22 years of her life.
Ashia has also worked with important government offices such us the ministry of culture and social services in Kenya or as the personal assistant of Omar Arte Ghalib ( former Prime Minister of Somalia) Has also participated in important world wide meetings like the one held in Djibouti in 1992 THE UNION OF SOMALIA.
She has also worked for NGO's like I.C.R.C , MSF. Among others that she has during the years volunteered her services.
Ashia has once more offered herself as a volunteer to lead and form this long awaited association in Spain.
As the Somali community in Spain we thank all the the support given to her and to the association.
Madaxii u horeeyey ee uu dhawaan doorto Urruka (SCS).
Caasha waa hooyo le 3 caruura, Wahey ka shaqaysaa mid ka mida kambaniyada ugu muhimsan ee Madrid, oo ay ugu shagayso xoghaynta. Waxaa kale oo ay turjumaan ahaan kala shaqaysaa ururada wadaniga ah sida Cear, iyo Accem, iyo xafisaca magangalyada iyo comrade, iyo kwa caalamiga ah sida UNCR. Waxaa kale ay Cassha madax ka tahay abdbaadinta faca cusub( save a girl save a generation) iyo waliba u dagaalanka xuquuqda durmaka iyo ka hortaga gudniinka oo ay ku soo jirtay mudo 22 sano nolosheeda.
Caasha Waxay hore uga soo shaqaysai xafiisyada beeraha iyo adeega bulshada ee Kenya waxaa kale oo ay gacan yare u hayd wasiirka haore arrimaha dibada ee somaaliya cumar Carte Qalib.
Waxay ka qayb gashey shirar muhiima ah oo uu ka mid yahay shirwaynihii Soomaaliyeed ee ka dhacy Djibuuti taariikhdu markey ahayd 1992 dii.
Waxaa intaas u dheer iyadoo si iskaa was u qabsa ah ( volunteer) u la soo shaqaysay mudo sanada ah ururada wadniga ah kana midyihiin sida ICRC iyo MSF. Waxy si iskeed ah isku xilqaaday inay sutida u qabato ainay hogaamiso urrukan (SCS) oo ah mid mudaba la sugayey.
Waxay Mahad u celinaysaa dhamaan bulshada soomaaliyeed ee taageerada buuxda siisay iyada iyo Urururkaba.

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